Email: Whatsapp/ Wechat/ Zalo/ Hotline: +84901549954
Email: Whatsapp/ Wechat/ Zalo/ Hotline: +84901549954


  • Product’s name: L-Threonine
  • Chemical formula: C4H9NO3
  • CAS Number: 72-19-5
  • Apperance: White powder
  • Application:

Promote the rearing process of livestock and aquatic products.

These are irreplaceable amino acids, necessary for the growth and anti-stress of livestock.

  • Origin/ Packing:

CJ/ Korea: 25Kg/ Bag

EVONIK/ Germany: 25Kg/ Bag

FUFENG/ China: 25Kg/ Bag

PROMOIS/ Russia: 25Kg/ Bag

Hotline:    0901549954,   0901856239


WhatsApp:   +84901549954

Wechat:  +84901549954

Skype: thiphachem



Threonine, L-Threonine, dinh dưỡng chăn nuôi, phụ gia chăn nuôi, nguyên liệu chăn nuôi

Công dụng của Threonine

Thúc đẩy quá trình nuôi của gia súc, thủy sản.

Là những acid amin không thể thay thế, cần thiết cho sự sinh trưởng, chống stress cho vật nuôi.

Certificate of Analysis

Appearance Confirm Granular Powder
Specific rotation -28.2 -26.7 to -29.1
Chloride 0.03% Max 0.05% max.
Ammonium Confirm 0.02% Max
Sulphate Confirm 0.03% Max.
Iron Confirm 10ppm Max.
Heavy metals Confirm 10ppm Max.
Arsenic 0.1 ppm 1 ppm Max.
Loss on drying 0.12% 0.2% Max.
Residue on ignition 0.22% 0.4% Max.
Assay of Threonine 99.50% 99.0 – 100.0%
pH 5.8 5.0 – 6.5
Organic volatile impurities: Confirm Meets the requirement

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